Here comes the HULK!

The Hulk
When Bruce Banner get angry he turns into the incredible hulk (photo by Ken Banks).

Everyone has bad days and everyone gets in bad moods. Personally, when I am in a bad mood I like to be left alone. That way I don’t take my bad mood out on other people, but not everyone handles their emotions that way.

I’m sure that we have all been in situations when we are having a good day and someone in a bad mood ruins it for us. I’m not just talking about a negative nancy, but saying something negative on purpose to upset the other person.

Yelling at someone else or putting them down is not going to make your situation any better. There is no reason to take your anger out on an innocent bystander. There are ways to get yourself out of a funk, without hurting anyone else.

My latest experience with a “hulk” was this past weekend. One of my friends and roommates thought she failed an exam, and of course I just happened to be in her destructive path. Oh let me tell you, she let me have it. In response to her anger I tried to calm her down with no luck. She eventually apologized after receiving her passing grade of an 85 percent.

Moral of the story, she put herself in a bad mod for no reason and took  it out on me. Think before you act and don’t over exaggerate. You should always treat others with respect, and be grateful for the people in your lives who try to cheer you up.

Don’t let your bad mood take over.

Vicky Kane

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